Weekend Roundup
Welcome to the weekend roundup! I haven’t posted anything weekend in quite a while. This week and weekend have been full of outside things. Outside things like yard work, pesky gophers, a porch water fountain, taking care of horses, moving a couple of cows around, a Saturday afternoon roping practice and metal gates (by that, I mean here hold the tape while I measure this).

All Things Yard
Yard work… where do I begin? Fortunately, we had some left-over trees, shrubbery, and grass from the before the removal of the modular home to the construction of the new hacienda. However, it is still a work in progress. Do you remember the story of The Tortoise and the Hare? Where a Hare was making fun of the Tortoise for being so slow. The Hare in all of his arrogance, “Do you ever get anywhere?” “Yes,” replied the Tortoise, “and I get there sooner than you think. Well, you know the moral of that story… Slow and steady wins the race. This. Is. Where. We. Are. At. I wanted it done yesterday. When you are a DIY-er you feel like the Tortoise.

Even though it seems like we are moving at a tortoise pace on our yard projects, I’m super proud of my hubby for all the work he’s put into this. He uses any free hour he’s had which isn’t many.

And… a few blooming flowers for the win.
Pesky Critters

This is a gopher hole with no gopher. We now have to wait until he digs another hole – resurfaces to set a trap. Welcome to Caddy Shack!
All Things Home – DIY Water Fountain
With all the craziness in life we want an outdoor oasis that is relaxing with the soothing sound of flowing water. Here is my DIY porch water fountain. This is how I made an inexpensive water fountain.
Step 1. Purchase a pump, and fountain along with extra embellishment.

Step 2. You need a container, pot that doesn’t leak. I used this galvanized style wash tub that I spray sealed all the seams for leakage.

Step 3. Gather bricks and flat, colored rock of your choice and layer in the bottom of your container to set your pump and other features on.

Step 4. Fill your container with enough water to submerge your pump. Add your accessories and plug it in, and you are good to go.

Its Fly Season
It’s fairly reasonable to say that August is fly season. The Flies have arrived. These guys get fitted with fly masks every day and sprayed with horse fly repellent. It’s still not enough. Sometimes they hang out at the water trough and splash themselves with water just to keep the flies away. Ugh!

Just A Couple of Cows
The girls needed more grass, so I moved them to the front pasture.

We finished out our Saturday afternoon with the ‘boys,’ (horses) chasing and roping a few steers. I’d share roping photos, but it just doesn’t work when you’re chasing steers.

We ended our weekend by heading to the movies for a little down time. I hope you have enjoyed my weekend roundup of projects and fun. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoy your week ahead. Thanks for stopping by Rustic and Refound.