Lilac Season to Branding Season
June 21, 2018
Just a month ago the lilacs were blooming and my corriente cows were calving.
If the blooming of lilacs and branding calves were a season,
I’m pretty sure they would be one of my favorite!
With that said…
I love the Spring and Summer seasons.
Did you know that lilacs are just small florets,
or tiny flowers that make up the larger lilac flower head?
This particular variety shown is a double lilac.
This lilac has a heavy intoxicating scent with
variegated lavenders and varying shades of purple.
The love of lilacs was passed down from my grandmother to my sweet momma,
both grew beautiful flowers and lots of lilac bushes.
My mother had a small grove of lilac bushes.
When I moved and got my own home, I dug up a small root from her lilac bush and planted it.
Now after about 20 years, from that small clipping, I have my own lilac bush.
I have several types planted in my yard. Including white.
Every Spring the lilacs bloom and fill the yard with their delicate scent.
Just cutting a few of these beauties…
and… so, snapping a few photos was in order.
If the scent from the lilacs wasn’t enough,
the flowering plum trees had begun to drop their flower petals.
The sight and scent from both was amazing.
By the way… this chair is getting a face lift;)
In other words a much needed paint job.
I took a few more pictures of these blooming beauties with THAT chair.
A simple bucket of blooms:)
Lilacs in the sink getting a drink:)
From lilacs to branding time/season.
Remember I talked about branding season?
From gardening to raising corriente cows.
Just sharing my hobbies.
Just a few pics of calves who will get a brand this season.
These little guys are so fun to watch.
They love stretching their legs for a good run.
#Ropingcattle #Corriente
Their built for speed.
This little guy has a ‘milk nose.’
Mammas And Their Babies.
To me, there’s nothing like a mother’s love or touch.
Sharing some random thoughts and profound living from Rustic and Refound.
Have a Blessed Day!