Spring Reset – Making a House a Home
Today I thought I would talk a bit about a spring reset – making a house a home. It’s been a quite the month so far! In the spring we battle mud, and, in the summer, we battle the dust! Snow, rain, snow, rain. This has been on repeat. So, the time just feels right especially since some of us folks feel that we need to spring clean and maybe do a spring reset of our homes for our own minds, create better habits, routines and long-term goals. At this stage of the game a little self-care wouldn’t be bad either since you are at the center of your universe.

Warning…. This is a long post.

Habits & Routines
What are your habits and routines that keep your home feeling nurturing and gives you energy to be at home? Do you have foundational practices that keep your home a haven that feels nurturing? A home should feel like a productive place. Most of us enjoy a clean space. We operate in that space every single day. So, what we do in that space matters. Do you look at your home and feel anxious or can you sit down and relax? Now, your home doesn’t have to look like the cover of a “Better Homes and Gardens” magazine, but it should rejuvenate you and give you good energy. Can you define what this might feel and look like in your home? Maybe your home is a spring goal to make intentionally – time to do a spring reset – making your house a home.

Set Goals for a Spring Reset – Making a House a Home
Is it time to set spring goals? We are not quite fully into Spring. So, this may be a good time to do 12 weeks of decluttering so that when summer comes you can fully enjoy the season. Time to create those habits, goals, put yourself on auto pilot for things that keep your house, feeling like a home that is nurturing and supportive. There are three things that are going make this non-negotiable.
- Routines – Find a routine that helps you reset your home – daily routine. Adhere to this routine and set rules (for yourself and other members of your family).
- Strategies – Strategize your routines. What works for you and others.
- Make a List of Goals – Write them down! Create a family to do list not just a Honey Do List.
Really evaluate what are things that are important inside that you are not going to want to do when you are inside. Make. That. List! I wrote about setting goals for a new year here and making lists.

Enlisting or Outsourcing Others
Now if a home reset seems like a big task, maybe it’s time to recruit others in the household or maybe you are alone. Is it time to outsource some of these jobs? Especially the big ones? It’s time to enlist your husband and maybe your kids depending on their age levels. Even those littles can be taught how to pick up after themselves, toys that is. Think outside the box. Where can you receive help, even once a month?

Daily Habits & Routines for a Spring Reset
If you can do the little things every day, set habits and routines. Pick a couple of things to do every single day and make this a routine. My mom taught me four things to do in your home to keep it looking good and feeling fresh.
- Every morning – make your bed.
- Do your dishes
- Sweep the floor
- Pick -up and tidy the bathroom
These have been worked into my daily routine and have always worked for me. This is what has helped to lower the resistance to living in my home. Now if you feel like you have barriers to this daily routine, identify them – weigh them against your peace of mind. Talk about them with others in the household. What is important for you? The list is not necessarily cleaning but do the top 3 – 4 every single day. Make them apart of a daily routine so when you do need to deep clean the little thigs don’t get in your way. Set those routines.

Making Lists & Checking Them Off
Right now, is the time to make that list of goals to do for a spring reset – making a house a home. The big things will come into play here. Examples might be:
- Washing windows
- knocking the cobwebs down
- Cleaning the baseboards
- Cleaning cupboards
Make your list and put it in a location that everyone can see it every day. Create a family do list, not just a Honey Do List. Keep it realistic for each month. When each item has been completed put a check by it and date it. It’s always satisfying to check things off your list. To keep your goals, stay focused. Now your house is summer ready. You are ready to be outside for outdoor activities. When July and August come around, you’re ready for the fall season and maybe back to school. Now your house is in a good place and ready for a fall reset. A good life hack – write things down that are giving you so much stress. When you have a free minute choose something on your list to do. Build a habit of resetting your home to declutter your mind and find that peace.
Analyzing the Data
When you complete a task, date it and check it off. When you look at the past month of completed goals you can ask why and what day did, I feel most productive. This will help you with the following month. Plan things around this to help with the future. Dissect what is it that is causing your home to feel relaxing. What is it that causes you stress around your home. Maybe it’s you. Are you getting in your own way? Start small create one habit you are committed to changing/doing then you can build. Be accountable for doing it. Show up. Do the damn thing!

You have seasons of your life where you’re a rock star or you may suck. Make good choices for yourself. Tell yourself, “I get to do…” “It’s not an I have to do…” Keep your mindset positive. Taking the most difficult choices often lead to better paths, positive outcomes, and open doors. It sucks and is hard, but you can always change the process by asking yourself what are my priorities? Spring is the perfect time to prioritize your long-term goals, and the actions you need to take to achieve them.

Home Keeping Over House Keeping – House to Home
Consider the mechanics of home. Is it housekeeping, or home-keeping? This can include the people in the home, the furnishings, and activities in the home that you cultivate. These things can help you inspire your home where it gives you more energy. Cut the clutter. Incorporate things that are a positive part of home keeping. Make it feel connected to you and family. Your home should be a reflection of you. Home should be a place of comfort, a sanctuary, and a safe haven. Look for things in your home that have you feeling connected and good. Cement good habits and routines. Evaluate the “Pay offs” to feeling good around the home. Spring is a fresh start – a time to reset.
“Tackling the house to home can not only help you feel less weighed down, but it can also reset your life and help you find more inspiration in your space and your endeavors.”
Happy Friday!