Beloved Old Flowers
April 22, 2022
Happy Earth Day!

My flowering geranium prompted a very impromptu photo shoot.
I remember my grandmother having geraniums in pots scattered around her house all year long. During the warmer weather she would transfer them to her screened-in porch or patio. I saved this one from last summer’s porch. Since it is Earth Day, I thought I would share a few photos of this timeless old plant.

This is a Quick Did You Know?
Did you know that the geranium made its way to North America from France in 1786? That’s why it’s a beloved old flower!
FYI – I am not an authority on growing geraniums, but I have had great success with them.
One of the best things about them is they come in a variety of colors.
Growing Geraniums in Pots
Geraniums don’t require a ton of care. So, this makes them a popular flower for planting in pots. They are great for porches and patios.
Wondering how to plant geraniums in pots? It’s actually as easy as planting them in the ground. You need loose, well-draining soil, consistent watering and low levels of fertilization. Geraniums grow well in containers of all shapes and sizes, as long as they have drainage holes. The key to successfully growing geraniums in pots is to place them in sunny locations and out of damaging winds.
The added benefit of growing geraniums in pots is that you can simply move pots inside during the winter. When placed in a sunny window, geraniums will thrive as a houseplant even in the coldest months. In spring, gradually move them back outdoors after the last frost.

When to Plant Geraniums
Don’t rush the planting season – geraniums are not cold hardy. But if you wait too long, you risk missing the cool night temperatures that encourage budding. Knowing how to grow geraniums outdoors begins with planting at the proper time. If you are going to plant geraniums in flower beds, wait until the danger of the last frost has passed and your soil reaches 60 degrees F. If you plant them outside in this area, plan on them being annuals.

Common Pests
The majority of insects and other pests avoid geraniums. Maybe a deer repellent? I haven’t had them eat them yet, but who knows.

Growing geraniums indoors vs outdoors
Geranium care outdoors and geranium care indoors are very similar. Both require plenty of sunlight, careful watering and light levels of fertilization. Growing geraniums outdoors requires a bit more attention to soil drainage and moisture levels. The drainage holes in indoor containers helps to keep moisture regulated.
You can easily grow geraniums in pots and move them between the inside and outside of your home, particularly useful if you live in an area with harsh winters like ours. As fall fades into winter and temperatures begin to drop, simply bring your pots inside to protect your pretty plants.
As mentioned, geraniums thrive indoors, and can actually grow all year round as beautiful houseplants. Geranium care in pots is very similar to that of garden care. However, they do require cool temperatures in the spring to begin setting buds. Moving your plants to a cool space within the house should help with blooming.

Happy Friday! Happy Earth Day!