“New” Antique & Thrift Store Treasures
May 24, 2022
Here we go again! This is becoming a habit! Said no thrift-er ever!
I love a good vintage haul and not spending a ton of money on re-loved items that I can add to their story, history and character. Are you a vintage enthusiast too? Do you love a good, thrifted find?
I’ve shared about my thrifting treasures in the past. Vintage treasures are very interesting to me. Because they are not something that are mass produced and just everyone wants. My husband says, “Thats why you find that old crap at antique and thrift stores.”
Vintage items and antiques aren’t always started from economic reasons, political, environmental, and what’s happening in the music industry. I’m quite happy that these often less expensive pieces of junque are not connected to most crap found in the media.
Recent Treasures
Brass taper holders have become a favorite find for me. These beauties were gathered from a local antique store. Purchased for $8.00 a piece. Now, I’m not going to say they are old or vintage, but they are just something that I like. I love the look and the feel they add to a room with the more classic clean aesthetic; that fits my style. I adore silver pieces as well.
Thrifted Treasures
Have you ever gone shopping for wooden stools? Well, the ones that I have noticed have been a bit pricy. So, when I happened upon these two at the thrift store… I purchased them both. I paid $10 for one and $3 for the other. You can see the before of them. What do I mean by that? Well, I also like a good make-over of my thrifted treasures.
Like the beginning make-over of this wooden bowl. Now a wooden bowl from a thrift store isn’t something that I’m going to serve food in. Not being a snob. Hey, I’m just saying…but it’s not something that I can’t use for displaying favorite treasures. The before wasn’t a favorite look. Sometimes you have to look beyond the first impression. You know…don’t judge a book by its cover sort of thing.
The new thing to strip wooden furniture and other wooden items is oven cleaner. That’s right! Oven cleaner! So, I gave it a go. I’m not sure I would use it on larger scale items. It worked okay on the bowl and the stools. It might be something to use on a section of very ornate wood carvings. I sprayed them down and let them set in the sun for twenty minutes, then came back with a scrub brush and scrubbed away the stain and hosed them off. These pictures are of the before.
The After
This is the wooden bowl stripped clean of the dark stain and without the little legs.
I like the raw look without the polish. A little wooden bowl filled with treasures from the sea.
A raw kitchen stool. A handy little helper. Sturdy enough for sittin’ or holding other items.
Do you like to cook? Another thrifted find was two cookbooks. If you don’t want to cook, you can sure look at the pictures. The pictures are beautiful and so inspiring. How can you go wrong with a Southern Living inspirational cookbook and a Better Homes and Garden? .50 each. You know recipes never go out-of-style.
I hope you like my thrifted treasures and antique haul. This is truly fun for me to share my score.
Have a wonderful Tuesday!