Lovely Lilacs – The Color of Spring
Thursday, June 13, 2019
A bouquet of fresh cut lilacs…
They are absolutely charming and beautiful anywhere!
Their delicate pale violet and vibrant purple blooms are covered
with dainty star shaped blooms
and have quite the most intoxicating scent.
These lilacs have double blossoms and are as beautiful
as they are fragrant!
Lilacs are one of my favorite blooms.
Their delicious scent invites you to cut them and bring them into the house.
Lilacs are special, as they remind me of my mom.
She loved lilacs as well and had many bushes around her property and yard.
My lilacs were grafted from my mother’s yard so many years ago.
In the dining room a simple gallon jar filled with lilac goodness.
Shimmery candle light in votive holders from PB.
Just pretty purple blooms.
Every year when the lilacs bloom they fill the yard with the most amazing scent.
I have both the purple Lilacs and the white ones in my yard.
My lilacs are a bit behind this year due to all the cold, wet,
rainy weather we had this spring.
Gorgeous by themselves.
Just a garden favorite!