Adding Embellishments to a Silver Tea Set – Dress It Up
There are many ways to add embellishment to a silver tea set. Adding decorative elements such as flowers or ribbon are simple seasonal touches that can go a long way.

It seems like just yesterday that my hubby and I traveled to Minnesota to visit friends. Well, it was back in June. It was a wonderful visit. While back in Minnesota my friend and I went out and about to a couple of thrift stores. The thrift stores in Minnesota were amazing. Clean, organized, and full of items to bring home. However, I didn’t get too crazy. One of the treasures that I brought home was a small collection of silver. I’m always on the lookout for stray pieces like trays, sugar bowls, and sweet little creamers. I love collecting pieces of silver. Silver is definitely on that ever-growing list of things that makes my heart swoon. I love the wonderful, tarnished patina of silver.

The moment I spotted these pieces I knew they were coming home with me. Not only were they perfect, but they were also great bargains. Maybe a set and a few incomplete pieces. A creamer and sugar set, a sweet little creamer with a rolled edge and two trays. A vintage score and all for the bargain price of $8.00!

Let’s Dress It Up!
I often like to add simple sweet touches of seasonal color throughout our home. It feels like a little celebration of the season sprinkled around the house. Catching my eye here and there as I work through the day and all that life brings. For me it can be as simple as adding a touch of ribbon to treasures that are already displayed and cherished. As I love silver mixed & matched & grouped all together, something was missing. This grouping needed a touch of nature or filled with something simple. Color and texture are what I was after.
Moss and Ribbon
Little touches can go a long way. A touch of nature – Spanish moss was added for depth and interest (Sometimes a favorite addition of mine especially around the autumn and Halloween.)

Add a touch of textile. Around the home I am always searching to create the feeling of the season. There are so many colorful ways to communicate the feeling of the summer season in your home. One way that we communicate the seasons is through the added use of textiles to brighten our homes (cushions, pillows, & throws) that add depth and interest to a space. So why not with a little touch of ribbon.
I searched my little ribbon bin filled with a collection of remnants and spools.

A Juxtaposition

The bright and bold color of green is the perfect juxtaposition against the tarnished silver. The little bow elevates my little vintage find and gives it a romantic old-world feel.
How easy is that?!

Tarnished or polished, vintage or new that soft sheen and patina of silver charms me. Though I love silver wearing that slightly brassy toned and mottled tarnish… and I leave it that way quite often, I do love polished silver. Silver is absolutely beautiful when it shines. Silver can easily be dressed up or dressed down depending on the season and occasion. There are many ways to add embellishment to a silver tea set. You can add flowers or ribbon, or you can also use it as a centerpiece and add candles or other decorative items around it.
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